Monday, October 11, 2010

Me and my dots

The Websters definition of Dot is :
  1. a tiny spot, speck, or mark, esp. one made with or as with a pointed object; as
  2. a point used in orthography or punctuation; specif., the mark placed above an i or j in writing or printing
  3. Math. a decimal point; also, a point used as a symbol of multiplication
  4. Music a point after a note or rest, increasing its time value by one half; also, a point put above or below a note to show that it is staccato
  5. any small, round spot: polka dot
  6. Telegraphy a short sound or click, as in Morse code
None of these definitions define what I mean when using the term me and my "dots" my definition of dots is when someone says "can you jot that down real quick" well, I have many of times mixed the word jot with dot. So I say "can you dot this down real quick" so that's what I mean when I say Ditters and Dots.
Those of you who do not know what ditters mean, well let me tell you. My sweet mother calls me Ditters, or itty bitty ditters, nick names when I was a child. Want to know the definition of Ditters? :
" evil troll who roams in the ghetto of  galeton and likes to attempt to beat people up, which therefore causes OSS and a bloody nose or 2 4 ditter."
I am an evil troll who roams in the ghetto attempting to beat people up. (thanks mom)
But this kinda makes sense, I am small like a troll, about 5'3 and 100lbs and because I am small i have to be louder than everyone else so that they notice me and by louder I mean I'm mean too.
So my blog will be very mean sometimes because it will be my thoughts and vents and views, and sometimes it will be funny and cute, who knows- all depends on the day I will have.

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