Starting a new year and thinking of how the next one is going to be strikes a certain fear in ones mind.
I am very optimistic about my future. I have many fears, but I understand my fears. Taking in a deep breath. Filling my soul with the new life.
Picking up the threads of my past life is not possible. It amazes me the changes I have made, and continually make.
I cannot take credit for the good things and changes that have happened in my life. I have literally thrown myself to the Lord and told him I will go where you want me to go. I am still uncertain of the places I will be going or where I will end up. But I have ever increasing faith that I will be OK.
The new road to which I have not yet traveled is scary-exciting.
How do you pick up the threads of a past life? In my position, you don't. You leave them behind, you do not look back, you only remember what was past. You take new threads and spin them into your new future. It will be hard, take a long time, but once you are will be worth all the fight.
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