Thursday, February 24, 2011

Beautiful Spirit

I came across this scripture: 2Nephi 13:16-25
“Because the daughters of Zion are haughty, and walk with stretched-forth necks and wanton eyes, walking and mincing as they go and making a tinkling with their feet- Therefore the Lord will smite with a scab the crown of the head of the daughters of Zion, and the Lord will discover their secret parts.”

The daughters of Zion are cursed and tormented for their worldliness

This stuck out to me because of a blog post I made a while ago.. A revelation I had one Sunday during Sacrament about a year ago.

I have to wrack my brain because I deleted that blog and it was a great post.

It isn’t hard for most people in life to get “caught” up in the temporal joys of life. We are taught not to have any other Gods..yet- we all do small ways. Like making you’re career more important than Heavenly Father, or your lifestyle, money, hobbies, sports etc. Not to say that anyone who does this is a bad person..we are the natural man. We will all do this to an extent probably several times for a short instance throughout our lives.

That Sunday, I sat in sacrament thinking of myself. How I was progressing. I remember being frustrated. Wanting a lot more. My marriage at the time had barely any spiritual or physical progression. My testimony was still strong. It always has been. But I was left feeling like I hadn’t accomplished much. When you get married you have this wonderful encompassing thought that your life is going to skyrocket spiritually, emotionally, and what not. You found your eternal companion, things are going to be easier. There are two of you now. There is someone to lean on when you feel a little weak, or self trodden. You have that eternal perspective in all things.
For me, I got very little of this. I felt a lot of the times I had to pull the weight. Be the constant reminder. Want more to gain a little. It was very frustrating.

As I sat  I thought.. "what does my spirit look like?"
It’s a weird thought to have.
When I look in the mirror I can see how well I take care of myself physically. My hair is done, I have nice expensive makeup, really nice clothes, top of line shoes ;) I use the best skin care products, and the BEST cosmetics. I work out regularly. I keep my skin balanced and moisturized..I can go on and on with how much effort I put into my appearance so that I am appealing to those around me.

So, I am wondering, how much effort do I put into my spirit being.
If I had to look at her in the mirror, would her hair be dry and brittle, with dry flaky skin, pudgy and soft because lack of exercise? Sad and miserable looking?
Sadly at the time. It was probably exactly that description.

I don’t want to be looked at as haughty and stretched forth. I want my physical appearance to match my spiritual appearance.

I started to read the Book of Mormon again.. all the way through is my goal. I forgot how great it feels to read it. Its like you cant stop, you want to keep going and going until all the stories are finished.

I want to be spiritually fed everyday again. Not just once a week from church.

Do we respond to His beckoning call to serve and be fed at His hand?

Our spiritual progression in life is the most important.
Not getting the nicest jeans, or the perfect hair color. But gaining a knowledge of the gospel which can help you in the life hereafter to continue to do the Lords work.

Temporal mindset can be like poison. It is fun, and easy, and of the moment. We often lack the eternal prospective of things. Our society makes everything accessible “right now” Its getting much worse too.
I fear for the lessons I will have to learn in order to teach my children of the importance of having an eternal prospective.

“Seek not for riches but for wisdom, and behold, the mysteries of God shall be unfolded unto you, and then shall you be made rich. Behold, he that hath eternal life is rich.” (D&C 6:7.)

I know personally I face challenges of being able to develop sufficient wisdom. That understanding and inner strength so that I can live happily and successful in such a world where I don’t get mixed up with worldly treasures.
I don’t think today my spiritual image is as bad as I think it is. Though she probably needs her hair done and a manicure. She’s on the right path.

I went through so much personal reflection with the Divorce. Learning how to control the anger. The hatred that Satan so badly wanted me to hold on to. The poisonous drag of contention. It was really hard. I know that I held strong to the Savior. It was my only hope.
One day I will teach my children of the lessons I learned. How amazingly possible all things are with the knowledge of the gospel and the power of the priesthood.

I try to make sure that I don’t get too caught up in the worldly treasures. Most girls cant help it though, we are like crows and flock to anything sparkly. Just as long as our entire nest isn’t filled with sparkles and shiny things… we should be alright.

The church is true, and cool. I love it, and always will.

I am always reminded how much I am not effected by the worlds “view” on our church. My patriarchal blessing says  “there are many who speak against the church, many who will try to drive you away, but you will not be effected by this, for you know the truthfulness and love of the church” –eh something like that.

Keep it simple. Love the gospel..always!

And don’t let your spirit get ugly.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


I am overly organized. Most people who know me personally, are very aware of this wonderful flaw.
I do have my moments of chaos. Its rare, and usually is in my room or car.
But over all I organize everything. The way my clothes and shoes are, to how the papers on my desk are arranged
More importantly my thoughts.
Have you ever had a mind full of un-organized thoughts?
Some that need to be stored away high in a box where you can go back to it randomly and slowly work it down to where it no longer exists. Some that are so stupid you put in the garbage can within seconds.
Then the thoughts in the foremost of your brain that clutter everything up and need to be taken care of right away but you know will take time....
Thoughts can be very destructive. Your mind can derail you from exploring the actual possibility of purpose.
I visualize the thoughts in my head like one of those old school shoe organizers with all the small boxes that fit the shoes if they are stacked.. like the pic below.
The thoughts are all scattered on the floor.. the most important ones that get most attention and figured out get put away in the top and then continue from there.
Feelings are the hardest thoughts. Trying to separate what you feel, and what you think you feel, and what your thoughts make your feel.
Very confusing
There are some thoughts that no matter how many times you clean it up and put it away, it falls out of place and scatters its self all along the floor. Stumbling across it and tripping, getting frustrated “I just cleaned this place up, how is it a mess again?”
If I had a mental vacuum and could just suck all the mess away and never have to “think” about it again would be just great.
Sadly I have to pick up everything one at a time. Put it where it belongs, and move on to the next one that comes…
Clear your head, clean it up, and make room for the best and most important thoughts